Herausgegeben von Janet Giltrow, Herausgegeben von Dieter Stein
The Pragmatic Turn in Law
Inference and Interpretation in Legal Discourse
In legal interpretation, where does meaning come from? Law is made from language, yet law, unlike other language-related disciplines, has not so far experienced its "pragmatic turn" towards inference ...mehr
Herausgegeben von Miriam A. Locher, Herausgegeben von Jürg Strässler
Standards and Norms in the English Language
The theme of this collection is a discussion of the notions of 'norms' and 'standards', which are studied from various different angles, but always in relation to the English language. These terms are ...mehr
Bandherausgeber: John Lynch, Bandherausgeber: Katherina Dodou
The Leaving of Ireland
Migration and Belonging in Irish Literature and Film
The Leaving of Ireland brings together an international group of scholars to reflect critically on the unfolding nature of the experience of Irish cultural identity at a time when Ireland is strugglin ...mehr
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers
Narratives of Peace, Conflict and Communication in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Narratives of human existence that cross borders on manifold levels and reflect current vulnerability to the environment and humankind are essential preconditions to ensure an open-minded and humanist ...mehr
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
How does Cajun literature, emerging in the 1980s, represent the dynamic processes of remembering in Cajun culture?Known for its hybrid constitution and deeply ingrained oral traditions, Cajun culture ...mehr
For ordering the hardcover version of this book, please contact orders@peterlang.com (Retail Price: £100.00, $151.85).
‘Franco Marucci’s History of English Literature is unique in its field. The ...mehr
Landesbilder deutscher Schüler von Großbritannien und den USA
Die Bilder deutscher Gymnasiasten verschiedener Jahrgangsstufen und Herkunft (2008)
Was denken deutsche Jugendliche über die Zielkulturen ihres Englischunterrichtes: Großbritannien und die USA? Im Jahr 2008 nahmen über 500 Gymnasiasten aus Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sachsen an einer ...mehr
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
“Dass deutsche Historiker auch elegant und fesselnd schreiben können, beweist Volker Ullrich. Spannender als mancher Krimi.” Martin Doerry, SPIEGEL Plus