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Companion to the New Literatures in English

Herausgegeben von Christa Jansohn

Companion to the New Literatures in English


Das als Einführung konzipierte eBook widmet sich in einzelnen Kapiteln dem in den letzten Jahren stark expandierenden Bereich der sogenannten ‚New Literatures in English‘, die einen beträchtlichen Teil der literarischen Produktion in der englischsprachigen Welt ausmachen. Die einzelnen Kapitel führen am Beispiel ausgewählter Interpretationen in die jeweilige Literatur des Landes oder einer bestimmten Region ein, so etwa zur „South African Literature“, „Indian Literature“, „Australian Literature“ oder „New Zealand Literature“. Kommentierte Leselisten, ausführliche Literaturhinweise sowie Internet-Adressen runden den Band ab. ‚New Literatures in English‘ presents seven original essays by leading scholars on one of the most exciting and rapidly expanding areas of literary and cultural studies. In spite of recent vivid interest in the subjext there are only very few introductions that offer literary interpretations of single keystexts, whereas the majority of studies either focus on individual writers and their works or on postcolonial theories in general and/or their connection with other critical writings. The present collection wants to remedy this deficiency by offering stimulating and wideranging interpretations of important and influential texts from different genres together with concise information on the diversity and richness of postcolonial literature in general. Their focus is on individual works rather than on a condensed history or survey of postcolonial literature and culture. The essays naturally reflect the particular interests and preferences of their authors as well as differences in methods of approaching their subject. Each essay concludes with a comprehensive and annotated guide to further reading. The volume is designed for those studying the topic for the first time and for more advanced students who have already encountered the field in class or in private reading.

Erich Schmidt Verlag
31,30 EUR